New Fall/Winter Schedule

Happy Friday, yogis!

We hope everyone is having a great fall and are enjoying the beautiful colors. The gorgeous trees this time of year are a great reminder of how lucky we are to have all four seasons here in northern Michigan, each so different and awesome in their own way. As the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, we naturally move towards a more introverted, introspective phase of our natural cycles; a more “yin” time of year, you could say, and a perfect time to really immerse in a steady yoga practice.

The past two months at Gerrish have flown by! Classes have gotten smaller than in the summer, which is a normal, natural transition for our seasonal population. Because of this, and in order to best suit the schedules of our yoga community with our teaching resources, we have revamped the schedule for the next two of months. While we have moved from five classes per week to four, we still offer three different varieties of classes to choose from. Please check the website to view these changes, and as always, while we can’t guarantee any future schedule changes, we are more than open to feedback.

Hope to see you in class!


Mariah, Lexi, and Stu

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