Happy New Year, friends!
We hope everyone had a great holiday, and also found some time for reflection. With the Solstice and New Year celebration signaling transition, taking quiet time to be with oneself and allow for inner communication sets the stage for more meaningful action and interaction. For us, it also yields profound gratitude, and with that, we want to thank you all for being a part of the STY community and sharing your light. We are honored to share space with you, and are endlessly grateful for the joy and presence you bring to us and those around you. Thank you, thank you.
Also with this time of year comes iffy driving conditions, which can impact one’s ability to make it to yoga class! Due to occasionally hazardous driving conditions in the winter months, we have decided to institute a class cancellation policy that corresponds with school closings:
If school is closed in a particular school district, class in that same district is also cancelled *for morning classes only*.
For example, if school in Roscommon is closed, morning class in Higgins Lake would be cancelled in Higgins Lake only, but evening class would still occur (unless otherwise communicated).
If school in Grayling is closed, morning class would be cancelled for that day in Grayling only.
You can always call or text Mariah at 989-302-7928 to find out if class is cancelled or not. View the full Stone Turtle Yoga class schedule here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/mainclass?studioid=29064
Peace and gratitude to all! See you soon 🙂
-Mariah, Lexi, Amy, Dianne, and Patty
PS – there was a glitch with MindBody last week that showed no Hatha Yoga class last Friday in Higgins Lake at 10:30. This has been corrected, and that class is back on the schedule!