Coming up on Wednesday, August 9th: Yoga on Tap at Paddle Hard!

Join us for Yoga on Tap next Wednesday, August 9th at 6:00pm at Paddle Hard Brewery in Grayling!

Last month’s Yoga on Tap was a blast, with Patty and crew rocking a yoga flow to Michael Jackson beats. Join Mariah Frye Colie for our next YOT class on Wednesday, August 9th at 6:00pm at Paddle Hard Brewpub. Use your class pack or membership, or cost is $15 per class. Bring your mat and stay after for $2 off pints. Sign up here! 

See you at Paddle Hard!

-the STY crew

Yoga on Tap



    • Pat Schmid on August 16, 2017 at 3:29 pm
    • Reply

    I left my glasses at Yoga today…Any chance I can get them before Friday????

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