“Practice and all is coming!”…K. Pattabhi Jois
What are the roots of yoga? What is yogic philosophy? Starting this week, the Stone Turtle Yoga team will begin to explore the principles of Ashtanga yoga – the 8 limbs of yoga – during our regularly scheduled classes. Each Sunday, we will send out a blog post describing the intention for the upcoming week. Each week’s intention will typically include a piece of Ashtanga philosophy, a new pranayama and/or asana practice, and a yoga home-practice challenge. Classes throughout the week may involve one, some, or all of these themes. Keep in mind that classes will maintain the same level of asana practice as always, just with the added studio-wide intention for each week!
Ashtanga Yoga defined:
Patanjali, the author of the Yoga Sutras, describes the Eight aspects of yoga as limbs of a tree.
Ashta=Eight Anga=Limb Yoga=Union
K. Pattahbi Jois and his teacher Krishnamacharya developed the Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa based on these teachings of Patanjali.
The Eight Limbs of Yoga
Yama-Ethical disciplines (5 disciplines)
Niyama-Self Observation (5 observations)
Pranayama-Breath Control
Pratyahara-Sense Withdrawl
Samadhi-A state of joy and peace.
Read more about Ashtanga Yoga and the Eight Limbs here: https://www.yogajournal.com/practice/the-eight-limbs
Week 1: September 25-Oct 1
-Introduction of Ashtanga Yoga
-Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breath)
-Mula Bandha* (root lock)
*Bandhas (locks): 3 primary internal energy gates within the subtle body which assist in regulation of the pranic (life force) flow.
-First Yama: Ahimsa (non-violence)
-Home-Practice Challenge: One Down Dog or child’s pose (hold for 5 breaths) per day!
See you in class!
-Mariah, Patty, Dianne, and Amy