“Once you are real you can’t become unreal again!” The Velveteen Rabbit
To practice the 4th Niyama/observance, Svadhyaya or self study, we can “become real” developing a more intimate, compassionate and unconditional relationship with ourself. Ultimately, we come to realize our “true nature” which is one of pure consciousness. Read more on the following link.
Ashtanga Week 8: November 13-November 19
Continued emphasis on Ujjayi Pranayama (victorious breath) Mula Bandha (root lock) Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock) drishti (directed gazing point) and asana including a sampling of seated, finishing, balancing poses, followed by a relaxing pranayama and meditation with mantra as tools to practice the last 3 limbs and perhaps cultivate Samadhi (8th limb) Ultimate peace.
Let’s look at shoulders and the neck this week and how we can use our practice to restore and cultivate balance. Check out the great article below on Chaturanga (four limb staff pose) do’s and don’ts.
Continued homework….a down dog and child pose a day (5 breaths)