*YOU MUST SIGN UP IN ADVANCE FOR ALL ONLINE YOGA CLASSES FROM NOW ON! Click here to view the new class schedule and sign up for classes.*
Hi friends,
Just wanted to reiterate the updated online class streaming format effective tomorrow. All classes will take place on the MindBody website starting tomorrow. Simply log into Mindbody, sign up for a class, and the link for the live stream will be automatically emailed to you. Please make sure to sign up at least 5 minutes ahead of time, so that you have time to receive the email link for the live stream. For detailed instructions on how to login and sign up, click here. Or, if you know your login…
Click HERE to sign up for online classes. Remember, all online classes will take place on MindBody (*not Zoom*) going forward.
Also, to support our teachers, we are starting to collect payment starting this week – click to this post for pricing info for online classes.
Also, please note that we will plan re-open the studios on May 29th, not May 16th as previously stated in the post from yesterday.
We can’t wait to practice with you this week!