Zoom Links
Below are the zoom links for all of our online classes. These links are the same every week, and do not change week to week. So, if you do not get the automated email for an online class that you register for, you can reference this list and click on the link for the appropriate class.
Monday Hatha: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85778931147?pwd=aGFjalRuZkcwaTZXUUxqeUpQVWpndz09
Wednesday Core: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89099651675?pwd=Z1NMYlZBc2RKN3pvWlgzYkd3M2hxZz09
Thursday Slow Flow: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89701055008?pwd=bFdVb0ZOQzRxMjdxVkQ1bXhiZHVnZz09
Friday Hatha: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81467725010?pwd=Sm5OcmxZallGbnRCMEtHTGJ1TmJidz09
Saturday Kundalini: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87688307806?pwd=cG9KYWtTZ0tQTHZMZkljNGU1UEZFQT09
Snow Day Policy
If Roscommon Public Schools have a snow day, IN PERSON classes are canceled. Online classes are still ON. Check TV 9&10 News for school closings.
Click here to view the class schedule and sign up for classes.
Sending love,
Mariah and the Stone Turtle Crew