Hello, friends!
It’s that time of year again! Stone Turtle Yoga will soon be making its annual move to the Gerrish Township Municipal Building for the fall and winter. The date of the move to Gerrish is Wednesday, August 31st.
The last class at Cross Country Ski Headquarters is Hatha Yoga on Tuesday, August 30th at 5:30pm.
The first class at the Gerrish Township Municipal Building will be Restorative Yoga on Wednesday, August 31st at 5:30pm.
The Gerrish Township Municipal Building is located at 2997 E. Higgins Lake Dr., Roscommon. It is about 1 mile south of Cross Country Ski Headquarters.
For the time being, the schedule will remain the same as it has been throughout the summer. You can view the class schedule here.
Thanks to everyone for a wonderful summer!! We are so fortunate to have the thriving yoga community we do here in northern Michigan. Thank you for being a part of it!
All the best,
Mariah, Lexi, Amy & Dianne