Two new teachers join the Stone Turtle Yoga crew!

We are so excited to grow the teaching crew at STY with the addition of two yoga teachers!

Patty Clark, who has already led a workshop and subbed a couple classes at Stone Turtle, will be continuing to sub in the coming weeks. She will be on the full time schedule starting in March. Stay tuned!

Also, Erin Mann will be teaching somewhat regularly beginning with tomorrow’s (Friday) Empower Yoga class in Grayling at 9:00am. Erin, too, has taught at STY in the past, and will be teaching roughly every other Empower Yoga class in Grayling going forward. Erin has been teaching yoga in Northern Michigan for over a year now, and also works at Song of the Morning Yoga Retreat Center in Vanderbilt.

Here are Patty and Erin’s bios. We are so fortunate to have these awesome women contribute their gifts to the STY community. All of their STY classes can be found on our class schedule here. Let’s give them a warm welcome!

Patty Clark - Stone Turtle Yoga

Patty Clark

Patty Clark: Diagnosed with degenerative disc disease at age 15, I came to asana as way to manage pain. I became certified in 1999 when I completed Jonny Kest’s Center for Yoga Teacher Training. Since then, I’ve taught over 1,000 hours and am registered with the Yoga Alliance as an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher, ERYT. Initially, I founded Dragonfly Yoga in Cleveland, OH. My teaching included all levels and conditions of student’s at my studio as well as The Cleveland Clinic Foundation and University Hospitals. I most recently taught classes and workshops throughout Northern Oakland County, MI and I have hosted amazing river/yoga retreats in Grayling, MI. I’ve been fortunate to study, practice and be inspired by teachers locally and nationally. I’ve also learned so much from my students as well as self study. My biggest influences are Patanjali, Sarah Powers, Donna Farhi, Judith Lasater, Bob Marley, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra and Mother Nature.


Erin Mann

Erin Mann: Yoga has floated in-and-out of my life since 1999, but my love for yoga stuck when it helped relieve my chronic migraines and depression/anxiety related to infertility. It also served as a lifeline while working on behalf of individuals reentering the community from the criminal justice system. Yoga helped me meet clients where they were at (emotionally, spiritually, energetically) and to just be present with them in that space. While living Grand Rapids, I fell in love with Bapitste’s power hot yoga philosophy and a seed was planted…”maybe one day I could be a teacher.” I noticed I felt awesome after doing the asanas. Though, it became more that that, my husband calls me the “Pusherman of Yoga,” referencing the Curtis Mayfield song. It’s true, yoga is like a drug for me; it started as a love of the postures, then came the breath, now the mind, body, spirit…yoga has infiltrated my life. After moving to Gaylord, the owners of Yoga-45 Lynne and Amy were super supportive and helped me make the decision, to take the plunge, to do the 200-hour training course. I was trained at Yen Yoga in Traverse City, in hatha yoga, under two amazing women, Jenny Lintvedt and Heidi Dietrich. Completing the 200-hour training has made me realize there is still so much more to learn. I will always be a student, humbly learning from those around me; always knowing my two greatest teachers in life will be my children. I’m looking forward to going on this journey with yogis in the Gaylord community, and grateful for the opportunity to teach with such a beautiful group of people. the essence of yoga is the union of mind, body, spirit; I hope when individuals leave a class I guide, their body feels strong, their mind feels peaceful and their soul shines bright. Om Shanti, Om Peace, Namaste.

Peace to all!

Mariah, Lexi, Amy, Dianne, Patty & Erin

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