Following Traditional Chinese Medicine and the origins of Yin Yoga, Winter season is for slowing down replenishing and preserving our energy. It’s a time to look inward and reconnect with ourselves before the rebirth of Spring. Seasonally associated with the water element, kidneys and bladder, this well-planned series helps imbalances that manifest as fear, anxiety, fatigue, lower back/hip pain and rigidity.
What to expect? Less poses held for longer times, mostly restorative, to release restrictions in connective tissue and joints allowing for energy to flow more freely. You will be guided with poetry, imagery, science, Sutra and silence to cultivate an integrated experience.
Everyone will benefit from this class!
Tuesdays, January 5, 12, 19 & 26 7-8pm
$45/series in advance or $15 per class
An email will be sent with the Zoom link when you sign up!