Category: Uncategorized

Stone Turtle Yoga moves to Gerrish Township for the fall/winter!

Hello, friends! It’s that time of year again! Stone Turtle Yoga will soon be making its annual move to the Gerrish Township Municipal Building for the fall and winter. The date of the move to Gerrish is Wednesday, August 31st. The last class at Cross Country Ski Headquarters is Hatha Yoga on Tuesday, August 30th at 5:30pm. …

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TOMORROW: Don’t miss our Essential Oils + Yoga Workshop! Save $5!

There is still some space left for our Essential Oils + Yoga: August Workshop tomorrow, August 10th at The Gift in Grayling. Click here to pre-regiester and save $5! In this workshop, which meets on the first or second Wednesday of each month, we will delve into our profoundly powerful sense of scent, and use it …

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TOMORROW: Don’t Miss Our Essential Oils + Yoga Workshop! Save $5!

There is still some space left for our Essential Oils + Yoga: August Workshop tomorrow, August 10th at The Gift in Grayling. Click here to pre-regiester and save $5! In this workshop, which meets on the first or second Wednesday of each month, we will delve into our profoundly powerful sense of scent, and use …

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