Category: Uncategorized

“Body is not stiff, MIND IS STIFF” K. Pattabhi Jois

  Ashtanga  Week 5:  October 23-29   Continued emphasis on Ujjayi Pranayama (victorious breath)  Mula Bandha (root lock) Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock) drishti (directed gazing point) and asana. Full integration of these tools in a vinyasa flow. Introducing: Emphasis on twists in the Standing Sequence to wring out the old and soak up the new…detoxing …

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We’re Growing! Yoga Teacher Wanted!

Yoga Teacher Wanted!

Hello, friends! We are so lucky to have such an awesome crew of yoga teachers at Stone Turtle. Time and again we are humbled to hear from traveling yogis about the high quality of instruction offered at our studios, and you, our students, are a great source of inspiration for us continue improving as teachers. …

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“The brain is the hardest part of the body to adjust in asanas.” BKS Iyengar

Ashtanga  Week 4:  October 16-22   Continued emphasis on Ujjayi Pranayama (victorious breath)  Mula Bandha (root lock) Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock) drishti (directed gazing point) and asana including an inversion practice. Introducing: The Vinyasa system works with the synchronization of deep, rhythmic breathing, drishti and movement. We’ll take Ashtanga primary and intermediate poses and fuse them into …

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