Gentle Yoga with Patty now offered Online!

Hello friends!

We are so excited to offer Gentle Yoga with Patty Clark as a virtual class on Zoom! Join her this week from the comfort of your own home. Advance signup is required – click here to register. The link to join the class will be automatically emailed to you once you book the class.

Check out the rest of our online and in-studio classes in Grayling and Roscommon!

Patty Clark

As times grow more tumultuous out in the world, may we bravely go deeper into our own hearts and come to know the vastness of that place. We have so much capacity to listen, to try understand, and to be kind to one another if we drop our defenses, drop our agendas, drop our need to be right. Once we do that, we give permission to the world to do the same, and that’s how real progress is made.

I leave you with a prayer that came to mind at a family funeral last week. It was my late grandfather’s favorite. Love to all of you, I hope you can come to your mat in any way you can to keep learning, growing, and opening.

Mariah & crew

Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy

O Divine Master, grant that I may
Not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand
To be loved, as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
And it’s in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it’s in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

Upcoming Schedule, Move to CRAF Center, and Baby Henry!

Hello, friends!

It’s that time of year. Effective the week of August 30th, Higgins Lake classes will take place at the CRAF Center in downtown Roscommon. Classes will still be limited to 10 people to support physical distancing. We look forward to seeing you there!

Below is the class schedule for the fall, effective August 30th. Please note that Hatha Yoga on Fridays at 10am will now take place in Grayling for the time being. This change was necessary in order to continue to offer that class on Zoom, as the CRAF Center unfortuantely does not have adequate internet to be able to stream classes from there. We apologize for the inconvenience, but hope that our Higgins Lakers will join us in Grayling or on Zoom!

Also, please note that Vinyasa Yoga in Grayling on Fridays has been cancelled. Finally, September 5th will be our last outdoor yoga class at the South Higgins Lake State Park. Starting September 12th, we will offer Vinyasa Yoga with Laurie on Saturdays at 10am at the CRAF Center.

Class Schedule:

-Mondays: 9:00am Hatha Yoga with Amy Mertz – Grayling Studio and virtual via Zoom
10:00am Core Yoga with Laurie Weldon – Roscommon CRAF Center

-Tuesdays: 10:00am Hatha Yoga with Laurie Weldon – Roscommon CRAF Center

-Wednesdays: 9:00am Core Yoga with Amy Bowman – Grayling Studio and virtual via Zoom

-Thursdays: 10:00am Gentle Yoga with Patty Clark – Grayling Studio

-Fridays: 10:00am Hatha Yoga with Amy Bowman – Grayling Studio and virtual via Zoom

-Saturdays (Aug 29th & Sept 5th): 10:00am Outdoor $10 Community Yoga with Laurie Weldon – South Higgins Lake State Park
Sept 12th and onward: 10:00am Vinyasa Yoga with Laurie Weldon – Roscommon CRAF Center

Click here to book classes!

Finally, about 12 hours after Mariah’s final yoga class last Friday, Henry Kingfisher Colie was born! He is healthy and beautiful, and his mama is doing great. Thanks everyone for your well-wishes and support!!

Thanks, too, for all of you who practiced with us this summer, whether online or in person. This community continues to be such a wellspring of happiness, positivity, and hope, and we are so grateful for each of you.

Much love,
Mariah, Patty, Amy M., Amy B., & Laurie

Yoga this week!

A recent sunset over Higgins Lake

Greetings, friends! Just a little note to let you know the yoga schedule this week. It means so much seeing you in class, and we appreciate the support more than you know.

Yoga During Covid

As a reminder, we currently offer in-studio, online, and outdoor yoga classes, and are working hard to accommodate our yoga community during this time. Our in-studio classes adhere to these physical distancing guidelines, so you can practice in a setting that feels safe and spacious. Our outdoor class takes place on Saturdays at the South Higgins Lake State Park. And we still offer 4 virtual Zoom classes every week!

Schedule Notes

Below is the class schedule for this week and the following week. *Please note that Slow Flow Yoga in Higgins Lake with Amy has been cancelled for the time being, and Core Yoga in Grayling on Wednesdays has been moved to 9:00am. Also, our last class in the Higgins Lake studio for the summer will be Friday, August 28th – Hatha Yoga at 10:00am. After that, Higgins Lake classes will move to the CRAF Center for the winter. More details will be coming in the next couple weeks about that – stay tuned!

Weekly class schedule:

-Mondays: 9:00am Hatha Yogawith Amy Mertz – Grayling Studio and virtual via Zoom
10:00am Core Yoga with Laurie Weldon – Higgins Lake Studio

-Tuesdays: 10:00am Hatha Yoga with Laurie Weldon – Higgins Lake Studio

-Wednesdays: 9:00am Core Yoga with Amy Bowman – Grayling Studio and virtual via Zoom

-Thursdays: 10:00am Gentle Yoga with Patty Clark – Grayling Studio

-Fridays: 9:00am Vinyasa Yoga with Amy Bowman – Grayling Studio and virtual via Zoom
10:00am Hatha Yoga with Mariah Frye – Higgins Lake Studio and virtual via Zoom

-Saturdays: 10:00am Outdoor $10 Community Yoga with Laurie Weldon – South Higgins Lake State Park

Click here to book classes!

We hope to see you soon!

All the best,

-Mariah, Patty, Amy M., Amy B. & Laurie