Gratitude Yoga Flow & Essential Oils

Wednesday November 7th….6-7:15pm

This class allows for the practice of radical gratitude, we open to the gifts in obstacles.

Working with modified backbends and opening the energy of the heart naturally brings one to a place of acceptance and appreciation. The oils bring joyful involvement to the present moment, reminders of abundance and inspiration to assess where the heart is realigning one back with the Universe.

$15 in advance please

Higgins Lake Studio is Moving!

The Higgins Lake studio is moving!

Effective Thursday, November 1st, all Higgins Lake yoga classes will take place at the CRAF Center in downtown Roscommon.

Why the move?

We are most appreciative of the Gerrish Hall, which has been our winter home for the last few years, but the time has come to relocate to a place where we can offer a consistent schedule without regular class cancellations. The CRAF Center has offered us a lovely room with a hardwood floor, tall ceilings, and big windows for natural lighting, and the best news is that the new space will greatly reduce the amount of class cancellations!

We are making the move quickly! Our first class at the CRAF Center will be this Thursday, November 1st, at 6:00pm. All subsequent Higgins Lake classes will take place at the CRAF Center until the spring, when we move back to the Ski HQ.

The parking lot and entrance to the CRAF Center is located at the “back” of the buildling, which is at the end of the alley (3rd St) between the Court House and the CRAF Center. Yoga classes will be held upstairs.

We know this is a big change, but we felt the move was necessary to  offer the highest quality yoga experience possible. Please help us spread the word. We look forward to seeing you at our new Higgins Lake home! If this location change is an inconvenience to any of our students, we apologize, and will be very accommodating if any class packs or memberships need to be adjusted/refunded.

*Please disregard previous emails regarding upcoming class cancellations; all classes are ON. Click here to view the current class schedule!

Thank you and Namaste,


It starts tomorrow….

How wonderful this would be to do as a STY community as we transition into a quieter more reflective season…
Free 21-Day Meditation Experience Starts 10.29.18

Discover the secrets to abundant energy and lifelong youth.

Are you ready to reclaim the energy of youth, so you can enjoy daily experiences more fully—accomplishing more with less effort? Join Deepak on a journey to maximize energy, live a healthier lifestyle, and tap into your inner youth, no matter your chronological age. Explore a unique mind-body-spirit approach, so you can shift your awareness to the most vital qualities of youth: freshness, open to possibilities, playfulness, and joy. Youth is not skin-deep; it is soul-deep. Find your way to the ever-present, boundless source of energy and lightness of being inside of you.

Your journey starts on Monday, October 29 in Deepak’s all-new, free 21-Day Meditation Experience, Energize Your Life: Secrets for a Youthful Spirit.


Copy and then paste the below link into your browser to register,  then each day the meditation will show up in your emaiI or you can register through FB on this link as another option ….IT’S FREE!!!!