Upcoming class cancellations

Hello friends,

Due to vacations, Gerrish Hall availability, and a new baby, we are sorry to have to cancel several classes in the next two weeks in Higgins Lake. Please know that we have done and are continuing to do everything we can to keep offering a robust class schedule at both studio locations, even as we shift into our “off-season”; it just so happens that the next two weeks have an unusually high concentration of classes that we are unable to offer. Please bear with us, and make sure to check the online MindBody schedule regularly going forward.

Class changes:
Saturday 9/22: Hatha/Vinyasa at 10:00am moved to GRAYLING
Saturday 9/29: Hahta/Vinyasa at 10:00am moved to GRAYLING

Class Cancellations:
Tuesday 9/11: Hatha at 5:30pm
Monday 9/17: Hatha at 10:30am
Thursday, 9/20: Hatha/Vinyasa at 6pm
Friday, 9/21: Hatha at 10:30

Thank you in advance for your understanding. We know that some of you are only able to attend a select few classes per week, so if these schedule changes significantly effect the value of your class membership, please direct all communications about this matter to Mariah directly at mariahfrye@gmail.com.

Please check the online schedule by clicking here.


– the STY crew

Welcome Baby Sayla!

Hello friends! Stu and I are so excited to welcome Sayla James Colie, our baby girl, into the world!!

Sayla James Colie

Sayla James Colie was born Thursday, August 23rd at 2:22pm. She arrived safely and healthily, weighing in at 6 lbs 12 oz, and measuring 20 inches long. Her strawberry blonde hair at birth was a surprise! Definitely a trait that came straight from Grandma Steph’s side of the family. Sayla has since morphed into pretty much a pure blondie, but sometimes we can catch a hint of strawberry in the right light.  She has blue eyes (same as mine and Stu’s) long limbs, and big hands and feet. So far she is excelling at newborn behavior: eating, sleeping, crying, making funny facial expressions, and gazing and reaching out at the world with what we think must be wonder and curiosity.

Labor lasted about 12 hours, and we managed to have a smooth (albeit intense!) labor and birth at home surrounded by a team of amazing caretakers, including 3 midwives who proved to be extremely skillful and well-practiced in the art of delivering babies. Sayla passed all of her “tests” and examinations, and within a couple hours after birth, we were left in peace in the comfort of our home with our little babe. Bliss!

I am recovering well from birth, trying to take it easy despite feeling good enough to do more than I should! Breastfeeding is going well, too, and Stu and I are savoring every moment with our little lady. She is already growing so fast, it’s hard to believe.

I’m not sure when Sayla will make her debut at a yoga class, but hopefully it will be soon! She is excited to meet you all, I can just tell :).

Much love to all of you, and thank you again for all the well wishes, prayers, gifts, and sweet words. We appreciate you all so very much!



Class cancellations this week

Hello friends, and Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Due to scheduling conflicts at the Gerrish hall, the following classes are cancelled this week in Higgins Lake:

9/4 Core Yoga at 10:00am
9/4 Hatha Yoga at 5:30pm
9/6 Hatha/Vinyasa at 6:00pm

We are so sorry for the inconvenience and hope to see you at our other classes this week. You can view the complete up-to-date class schedule here.

Thank you and have a wonderful holiday!

– the STY crew