“Body is not stiff, MIND IS STIFF” K. Pattabhi Jois


Ashtanga  Week 5:  October 23-29


Continued emphasis on Ujjayi Pranayama (victorious breath)  Mula Bandha (root lock) Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock) drishti (directed gazing point) and asana.

Full integration of these tools in a vinyasa flow.


Emphasis on twists in the Standing Sequence to wring out the old and soak up the new…detoxing benefits.  Also, finishing poses in the Primary Series-Beginning with back-bending and progressing through inversions and hip openers, the finishing sequence of Ashtanga yoga serves to consolidate the benefits of the complete practice and calm the nervous system, heart, and mind.

2nd Limb-Niyama, has to do with self-discipline and observances. Practicing the first Niyama (5 in total)

Shaucha (purification)….“you can’t throw mud without dirtying your own hands”


Continued homework….a down dog and child pose a day (5 breaths)

We’re Growing! Yoga Teacher Wanted!

Hello, friends!

We are so lucky to have such an awesome crew of yoga teachers at Stone Turtle. Time and again we are humbled to hear from traveling yogis about the high quality of instruction offered at our studios, and you, our students, are a great source of inspiration for us continue improving as teachers. Our fabulous yoga community is growing and thriving, with new faces blending with seasoned practitioners on a regular basis. To accommodate this growth, we are looking to hire a new teacher!

There are a few job requirements. A minimum of RYT-200 certification is required, and at least 1 year of teaching experience is preferred but not required. Teaching style must emphasize alignment and clarity. Must be able to teach beginners as well as advanced students. Classes will primarily be at our Higgins Lake location, but future teaching opportunities may also arise at our studio in Grayling.

If you or someone you know fits these criteria, please let us know! Email Mariah at mariahfrye@gmail.com, or 989-302-7928.

With gratitude,

Mariah, Amy, Dianne & Patty

“The brain is the hardest part of the body to adjust in asanas.” BKS Iyengar

Ashtanga  Week 4:  October 16-22


Continued emphasis on Ujjayi Pranayama (victorious breath)  Mula Bandha (root lock) Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock) drishti (directed gazing point) and asana including an inversion practice.


The Vinyasa system works with the synchronization of deep, rhythmic breathing, drishti and movement.

We’ll take Ashtanga primary and intermediate poses and fuse them into fun and challenging sequences.

By linking the postures it creates a continuous flow of energy that heats up the body, bringing oxygen to the blood, nourishing the glands and internal organs, cleansing and purifying the nervous system, releasing unwanted toxins through perspiration.  As the heat goes up toxins are burned up and out of the system creating a lighter and stronger body, and clear mind.  The heat is not only a physical experience, it is an internal spiritual fire that burns through the fog of illusion and ignorance.

4th Yama….Brahmacharya (moderation of the senses)


Continued homework….a down dog and child pose a day (5 breaths)